Q. How to Register as an Implementing Agency
A. User has to click on Login button on top of the page and then click Register à Implementing Agency
After clicking, Implementing Agency (IA), user will be able to view the Registration Form. User has to fill in the form and click on SAVE button.
After submission of the form / details, the request will be forwarded to Ministry user for approval.
Once the Ministry approves the request, the system will create the user credentials for the MIS application for IA user and mail will be sent through system automatically to the concerned IA.
Based on the received user credentials, the IA would further be able to Login to the MIS portal and perform the required activities.
Q. How to Register as a School / College
A. School / College user has to click on Login button on top of the page and then click Register à Eco-club Registration.
After clicking, Eco-Club Registration, user will be able to view the Registration Form. User has to fill in the form and click on SAVE button.
To fill the form, the user has to enter their UDISE code in case of School and College registration code incase of College. After entering the same, system will fetch the details from the server and display the already available data. Now the user can make the required modifications in the data and finally click on SAVE button.
After submission of the form / details, the request will be forwarded to concerned Implementing Agency (IA) user for approval.
Once the IA approves the request, the system will create the user credentials for the MIS application for Eco-Club user and mail will be sent through system automatically to the concerned Eco-Club.
Based on the received user credentials, the Eco-Club would further be able to Login to the MIS portal and perform the required activities.
Q. How to update Bank Details for Eco-Club user
A. Eco-club user will have to 1st Login to the portal and would further have to click on Bank Details available on the TOP band.
After clicking on the same, system will display the form and user would have to further fill / update the required details in the suggested columns. After entering / updating, user would have to click on Update so the same will be finally visible on MINISTRIES login.
Q. How Eco-club / IA user can upload Event details on the MIS portal
A. To add event related details in the MIS portal, Eco-club / IA user has to click on Event Management button available on the TOP band and further click on ADD Button.
After clicking on the same, system will display the form and user would have to further fill / update the required details in the suggested columns like Event Category, Event Activity performed, Event Start Date, End Date etc.. After entering these details, user would have to click on SAVE Button so the same will be finally visible on MINISTRIES login.
User can upload maximum of 5 event related photographs pertaining to each event and each Photo can be of maximum of 2MB size.
User can also upload 1 video of maximum of 5MB size and incase of more videos or more size videos, user can provide the YOUTUBE URL of the same.
Q. How to send bulk Emails
A. Only registered implementing Agency (IA) or Ministry user can send bulk emails to the users under them. Ministry can end emails to all the Implementing Agencies or all the Eco-Clubs. Whereas Implementing Agency can send an email to their concerned Eco-clubs.
To send bulk email, concerned user has to select the schools / Implementing. There will be an option for multiple selection (by holding CTRL key of the keyboard).
After entering the Agencies, user would further enter the SUBJECT and required mail in the MAIL column.
After entering the same, user has to click on SEND MAIL button.